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The Men's Guide to Bold Shorts in 2015


How to wear shorts and pants in strong colors

Repost of wsj.com With Select Edits By Erik Peterson

Q:I’ve gotten up the nerve to wear Bermuda shorts in orange this summer (me: male, age 42—average build and no gut!). How do I wear bright shorts and maintain a masculine look so the guys I hang out with won’t make fun or me if I wear them to a baseball game, for example.
A: Ordinary guys have evolved when it comes to wearing trendier sportswear. Your orange Bermuda shorts are easier to pull off than you might think, as are shorts and pants in lime green, yellow, purple and camouflage prints. Pants in strong colors can look sophisticated, smart and not goofy if you wear them with confidence and a sense of style.
Start by pairing your orange shorts with a button-down, short-sleeve shirt in madras plaid and a woven leather belt. (Plaid shirts look hip with pants in a bold solid shade.) Or wear your shorts to the baseball game with a high V-neck T-shirt in white or most any other solid color—or with the usual polo knit shirt.
Whichever shirt you choose, keep it neat and not oversized. Study the proportions and length of Roger Federer’s tennis shirts.
Pants with gingham checks or batik prints are stylish. Guys, the key here is to stick with a classic shirt—short sleeves, or rolled-up long sleeves in a cream linen, for example. Toss on a navy blazer for dressier outings. Wear slip-ons, Topsiders, loafers or sandals without socks.
Men can grab practical fashion ideas on Pinterest.com, where you‘re looking at clothes on regular guys—and not models—in many of the posts.

The Men's Guide To Bold Shorts For Summer 2015

4/23/2015 10:00:00 PM

Ordinary guys have evolved when it comes to wearing trendier sportswear. Your orange Bermuda shorts are easier to pull off than you might think, as are shorts and pants in lime green, yellow, purple and camouflage prints. Pants in strong colors can look sophisticated, smart and not goofy if you wear them with confidence and a sense of style. Start by pairing your orange shorts with a button-down, short-sleeve shirt in madras plaid and a woven leather belt. (Plaid shirts look hip with pants in a bold solid shade.) Or wear your shorts to the baseball game with a high V-neck T-shirt in white or most any other solid color—or with the usual polo knit shirt. Whichever shirt you choose, keep it neat and not oversized. Study the proportions and length of Roger Federer’s tennis shirts.

Posted by Erik Peterson, Tom James Company Tampa Bay Sarasota Lakeland 727-916-7848


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